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Blue Face Heckel "Novo Airao" Discus  XML
Forum Index » Cichlidae
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Senior member

Joined: 16/02/2009 19:59:52
Messages: 1021
Location: Fish Room

Au trecut cu bine de aclimatizare, acum sunt in carantina.Sunt putin cam "sifonati", dar eu sper sa-si revina.

Nu cumpar, nu vand, nu fac schimb. Nu insista.
Nature addicted

Joined: 28/08/2015 14:36:47
Messages: 530
Location: Bucuresti

Discusii sunt tare interesanti. Cred ca sunt pestii care s ar fi adaptat perfect proiectului meu. Africanii sunt relativ docili momentan, insa nu pot sa nu ma gandesc ce o sa faca atunci cand cresc


Joined: 26/06/2014 14:12:14
Messages: 2894
Location: Targu Mures

Wau, felicitari! Heckelii blue face si/sau blue Moon sunt printre(ca mai am vre-o doua specii) "my dream fish". Poti sa dai ceva detalii de unde, cum, cat

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 04/11/2023 15:52:48

Senior member

Joined: 16/02/2009 19:59:52
Messages: 1021
Location: Fish Room

Thereau wrote:Discusii sunt tare interesanti. Cred ca sunt pestii care s ar fi adaptat perfect proiectului meu. Africanii sunt relativ docili momentan, insa nu pot sa nu ma gandesc ce o sa faca atunci cand cresc

Sunt absolut convins de asta. Apropo, stiu un avocat bun.

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Senior member

Joined: 16/02/2009 19:59:52
Messages: 1021
Location: Fish Room

ocean wrote:Wau, felicitari! Heckelii blue face si/sau blue Moon sunt printre(ca mai am vre-o doua specii) "my dream fish". Poti sa dai ceva detalii de unde, cum, cat

I-am luat de la un magazin local cu care sunt in relatii bune. Unul din ei e putin cam sifonat, dar m-a mancat in dos sa-l iau ca dupa inotatoarea dorsala pare a fi mascul si dupa cum se spune masculii wild au toate sansele sa fie fertili. O sa vad cum evolueaza lucrurile.
Pretul in magazin era cam 930lei/buc +taxe. Dar pentru ca sunt client fidel aveam niste cupoane si ceva credit primit pe vreo 2 galeti de plante. Asa ca pentru toti trei am scos din buzunar doar taxele.

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Ultrahigh member

Joined: 05/12/2017 16:46:23
Messages: 2362
Location: Cluj-Napoca

Super tare! Bafta cu ei.
Discusii sunt preferatii mei, mai ales cei wild...nu visez io inca la asa ceva.....

Hai cu ceva poze sau filmare sa ii vedem si putin colorati.....oricum mai trebuie sa creasca.

Acvariu 450L Altum Rio Orinoco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBgyU-QAj6A

Acvariu 100L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3GrkX1Erms

Acvariu 54L, Creveti crystal red: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TymTMhB75ms
Acvariu 54L, Creveti Blue dream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2XfmX2GJVo
Acvariu 54L, Land of trees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dfXKjSEi74


Joined: 26/06/2014 14:12:14
Messages: 2894
Location: Targu Mures

Alin referitor la culori inca mai trebuie asteptat, la salbatici cel putin asa era la green spotted, le trebuie cam o luna-doua sa iasa din stres(transport, carantina, obisnuit cu hrana, apa...) asa ca mai avem de asteptat pana se mai coloreaza
Senior member

Joined: 16/02/2009 19:59:52
Messages: 1021
Location: Fish Room

Sunt de abia in prima saptamana de carantina intr-un acvariu de 110l. Au inceput sa ma recunoasca ca "ala care le da de mancare" si vin in fata cand ma vad.Dupa cum am mai spus, unul e destul de subtire, desi mananca. Probabil are ceva viermi intestinali sau poate doar stressul prin care a trecut pana acum. Am de gand sa-i tin cel putin 6 saptamani sub observatie/carantina. Saptamana viitoare incep tratament cu Levamisole.

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Senior member

Joined: 16/02/2009 19:59:52
Messages: 1021
Location: Fish Room

O discutie interesanta pe un grup FB:
"For the more skeptical and those who may not believe, here is the temperature of our aquariums at 12.59 am . During the night it drops by about one degree and during the day it reaches a maximum of 25º. This is what happens in the usual places where I select fish in the Amazon. Last year, due to the longest drought ever in the Amazon, water levels reached between 29 and 34 ºC in some places. In others, such as small streams, it remained at 24º/25º because these are places where the water is very fast flowing and where the sun doesn't get in because they are covered by trees.This is at the top of the water, because if you dive half a meter it has already dropped more than half a degree centigrade. If you go down more than a meter, it's colder and that's usually where the fish are. What we observed this year on our expeditions and with the super microscope of Hector Gutierrez, someone with a huge knowledge of Discus diseases and ornamental fish in general, was that Wild Discus collected in waters with a temperature of 29º or higher had many more bacteria and parasites than those kept at 24/25º. In these places of water with these temperatures of 24/25º the amount of parasites was really much lower and in question of bacteria too. Just to finish ... is a comment where they mention the name of a person who was on one of my expeditions and who didn't take anything to test the water temperature and only stayed for 8 days and doesn't have any knowledge to question what I've just described here. More than that, I prefer not to comment on this person and how many fat, healthy Wild Discus with enormous immunity he killed the day I put them in his aquarium. So... !! "

Cel citat este Vitor Quaresma, ownerul de la Santarem Discus

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Joined: 26/06/2014 14:12:14
Messages: 2894
Location: Targu Mures

Da am vazut filmuletul(urmaresc Sntarem), dar asta merge doar la salbatici(genetica, hrana, volumul imens de apa): la domestici cu asa temperatura ii pui in cap! Victor spunea ca are in bazine o medie de temperatura de 27.5. Nu sunt sigur ca si la F-uri ar merge pe perioada prea lunga sub 27,5 chiar 28, degeaba ne straduim noi ceea le putem oferi e departe de ce au acasa
Forum Index » Cichlidae
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